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Born in the Stars

by Perseysaavedra88


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"I have never felt human all of my life. Yet my looks are the only way to tell everyone I'm human. Give me a sign. Tell me I'm not really a human being." Floraline stared out of the window. Stars glimmered above her reflecting on her eyes.

"You used to be one of us, Flora." Floraline heard a voice call her from behind. She turned around to face a figure made of stars.

Floraline was an expirement. And that's all she ever was. Except to Klonai. Now Klonai will do whatever it takes to get back what was rightfully his and his race's. Meanwhile on Earth, All continents are ruled by one superpower called The Order of Generation Alpha and X. In order to create chaos on Earth. What can Klonai and Floraline do to stop it? Will Flora ever find out her true origins?

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Ninjago & Glitter Force 2017-05-24 20:39

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